NP, YE 3/20/1862

From the Yorkville (S. C.) Enquirer
March 20, 1862
To the Stockholders of the King's Mountain R. Road Company
   Your President and Directors submit their annual Report, with the accompanying Exhibits of the Treasurer, showing the transactions of the Company for the year commencing January 1st 1861, and ending December 31st, 1861.
The amount of Cash in the Treasury, on the 1st of January 1861, was $4,867.61
Cash receipts from all sources during the year '61 21,207.45
Total Cash $26,075.06
Paid Charlotte & S. C. R. R. $7,799.71
Paid on Dividend 5,182.00
Paid on Debts of Company owing on 1st January, 1861 3,581.62
Paid for expense account of 1861 3,970.86
Cash in Treasury 5,540.87 $26,075.06
Gross Income for the year $13,774.71
Namely, Freights $5,476.87
   "   Passengers 5,219.85
   "   Transportation of Troops 929.35
   "   Transportation of Mails 1,400.00
Other Sources 748.64 $13,774.71
Expense of operating Road for 1861, Exhibit D


Leaving a nett income $7,767.12
Out of which Dividend of 3 per cent. was declared, payable on the 10th January, 1862, amounting to $6,090.00
Leaving a surplus of $1,677.12
Assets in Treasury, consisting of Greenville R. Road Bonds, arrears of Mail Pay, Notes, Accounts on Freight Ledger, Shop Books, &c. $6,151.65
Leaving a nett surplus of $7,828.77
W. E. Rose, President and Superintendent
