NP, RSTD 10/29A/1862

From the Raleigh Standard
October 29, 1862
Rail Road Stock For Sale
   On the third Monday of November next, being the day of the meeting of the General Assembly, at the Court House in Raleigh, at 11 o'clock, A. M., I will sell one hundred and seventy-seven shares of Stock in the North Carolina Rail Road, in quantities to suit purchasers.
Kemp P. Battle
{Battle was also the President of the Chatham RR, not yet under construction. That Road intended to use 8 miles of the North Carolina RR in getting its products to Raleigh. I do not know if Battle owned these shares himself and was selling them to ease the way for the Chatham RR or if he was selling them for others. Ads for selling shares of stock usually mentioned 10 or fewer shares for sale.}
