NP, RS 6/4/1863

From the Richmond Sentinel
June 4, 1863
   The report of the President and Directors of the Charlotte & South Carolina Railroad, made to the stockholders at their last meeting, shows that the earnings for the past year from all sources amount to the sum of $641,520.76, of which, the sum of $304,467 was derived from passengers, $276,067 from freight, $11,000 from the mails, $44,609.13 from the Express Company, and $5,377 from other sources. The expenses were, for the period, $189,334.21, leaving the net receipts $452,186.55.
   The company has bought about 1,000 bales of cotton, as a means of procuring supplies for the repair of the road at the earliest practicable period after the raising of the blockade. They have also purchased some forty slaves for the use and benefit of the road.
