NP, RD 2/12A/1861

From the Richmond Dispatch
February 12, 1861
Office of the Richm'd & Danville R. R. Co.
February 11th, 1861
Tribute of Respect
   At a meeting of the Officers of this Company, hold this day, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted.
   Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to take from our midst our esteemed and beloved brother officer, John S. Vaughan, Treasurer of the Company, who, by his fidelity, kindness and courtesy to us, and all others, had endeared himself to us as a man eminently worthy of our respect and esteem; Therefore.
   Resolved, That we tender to his bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in their irreparable loss.
   Resolved, That we attend his funeral in a body.
   Resolved, That the Secretary furnish his widow with a copy of these proceedings.
Thos. W. Brocken Borough, Chairman
Richard Hill, Secretary
