NP, UNK 7/12/1861

From a clipping of an unknown newspaper, but probably one published in Memphis, Tenn. (Memphis Appeal of July 13, 1861.)
July 12, 1861
To Railroad Companies of Tennessee
Headquarters Army of Tennessee
Memphis, July 12, 1861
To H. Wood, President of the Memphis & Ohio Railroad, and Presidents of other railroads of Tennessee
   Under the present arrangements of the railroads of the State, the officers and privates on furlough, sick leave, and those returning home to visit their sick families, and going back to the post of duty, are all charged half fare. This is not right or just to these brave men. They have taken the field in defense of the country; they are paid eleven dollars per month for making their bodies targets to be shot at; they are subject to all the hardships, perils and privations of the camp, and they give up all the comforts and endearments of home; and yet a husband cannot visit a sick wife, or dying child, or a son a sick father or aged widowed mother, without being stripped of their small means which should be applied to procure such small comforts in camp as they have been accustomed to have, and which the State does not furnish. Many cases have come to my knowledge where men on sick leave or out of the hospital and ready to go back to the post of duty, had not the money to pay their way back. The army now in the field , protects the rights of these roads, and but for its protections these companies would have no use for their roads. I have required steamboats running in the waters above this place, passing my works, to pass soldiers and officers back and forth under like circumstances free of charge. They have all acquiesced and are passing them free. 
   Surely our railroad stockholders and directors are not less patriotic than steamboat owners, nor can we suppose that they are liable to contribute this might to the soldier's comfort, nor is the obligation lessened when it is remembered what liberal aid the State has given to aid the roads.
   I beg sir, through you, to bring the subject before the railroad directors of the State, and in behalf of the army of Tennessee, and as its commanding genera, I ask to have these men passed free in all the cases enumerated, where under existing regulations they are charged half fare.
Very respectfully
Gid. J. Pillow
Maj.-Gen. commanding Army Tennessee
