NP, TOF 5/22/1861

From the Tuscaloosa Observer & Flag of Alabama
May 22, 1861
Ala. & Miss. Rivers Railroad
Spring Arrangement
   On and after March 13th, the Northwestern Railroad will be regularly opened for travel, and the passenger train and time changed, so as to leave Newbern at 7 a. m. (after the stages for this place arrive from the west, &c.) and arrive in Selma at 10 a. m., in time to connect with the Alabama & Tennessee Rivers Railroad train Northward bound, the morning steamboats, and stages for Montgomery.
   After the arrival of the Alabama & Tennessee R. R. R. passenger train, the train will leave Selma at 3 p. m. and arrive at Newbern at 6:40 p. m., there connecting with the stage lines to Livingston, Columbia and Tuscaloosa. There is about 19 miles less staging b y this route to Greensborough than via the Marion route.
   This change of trains and time will enable Planters living along the Rail Road to go to Selma and return the same day.
R. B. Lewis
Chief Eng. & Superintendent
