NP, C 7/5A/1861

From the The Confederation (Montgomery, Ala.)
July 5, 1861
Montgomery & West Point Railroad
   We had the pleasure of making a flying trip over this road on Saturday last, en route to pay a visit to some old friends in our sister city, Columbus. It is a source of much pleasure to us to be able to say that this road has been greatly improved since our last passage over it, and the time greatly expedited. Much praise is due to the President and Superintendent for the indomitable energy and skill which they have exercised in its management. We believe the entire track has been relaid within the period of one or two years, substituting the heavy T-rail for the flat bar, which, to all who are familiar with railroad traveling are well aware of the superiority of pattern, not only in regard to comfort but safety. Much pains and care have also been observed by Col. Pollard and Mr. Superintendent Cram, in the selection of their subordinates, which is made manifest by the occurrence of so few accidents of any kind.
   We cannot close this hasty sketch without commending to the public Messrs. Phillips and Gordan, two of the gentlemanly Conductors, with whom we travelled, and were gratified to witness the kind and considerate attention bestowed upon the ladies and children under whose charge they had been placed. Success to this popular road and its worthy officers.
