NP, MAP 3/13/1862

From the Memphis Appeal
March 13, 1862
   The Florence Gazette, of yesterday, says:
   We learned yesterday that the Federals had landed a large force at Savannah, Tennessee.  We suppose they are making preparations to get possession of the Memphis & Charleston railroad.  They must never be allowed to get this great thoroughfare in their possession, for then we would indeed be crippled.  The labor and untiring industry of too many faithful and energetic men have been expended upon this road, to bring it up to its present state of usefulness, to let it fall into the hands of our enemy, to be used against us.  It must be protected.  We, as a people, are able to protect and save it.  If unavoidable, let them have our river, but we hope it is the united sentiment of our people that we will have our railroad.
