NP, DB 3/24A/1863

From the Daily Bulletin (Charlotte, N. C.)
March 24, 1863
Atlantic, Tenn. & Ohio Rail Road
   At a meeting of the Directors of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Rail Road Company on the 13th instant, the following resolutions were adopted:
   Resolved, That all subscriptions of Stock heretofore made to the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Rail Road Company, on which three or more installments have been paid, and on which def?? has been made to pay the balance due, are hereby declared forfeited to the use and benefit of the Company, including all payments made on the same, according to the provisions of the Charter, provided all arrearages on said Stock are not paid by the 15th of October next.
   Resolved, That suit be instituted against all other solvent and delinquent Stockholders failing to make payment by the 1st of October next.
   Resolved, That the reduced rates for passengers returning same day are hereby abolished.
M. L. Wriston
{First published September 15, 1862}
