NP, ASCY 7/18/1862

From the Southern Confederacy (Atlanta, Ga.) 
July 18, 1862
The Wounded Soldiers on the Cars
Editors Southern Confederacy
   Having to spend the day in your town, and feeling deeply impressed with the tokens of sympathy bestowed all along the route, upon our soldiers who were wounded in the late battles near Richmond, and who have just arrived en route homeward, I am inclined to trouble you with an article -- if it be not presuming too much.
   Some two hundred wounded were most sumptuously fed by the kind ladies of Wytheville, Va., on Saturday last, and seven times did the ladies of Tennessee meet the train and feed them -- at Greenville, Morristown, New Market, Mossy Creek, Knoxville, Athens, and Cleveland {this used the Virginia & Tennessee RR, the East Tennessee & Virginia RR, the East Tennessee & Georgia RR and the Western & Atlantic RR}. These acts of our fair ladies constitute a few of their offerings of devotion at the shrine of patriotism and Southern liberty, and hardened as our soldiers become from the exercises of camp life, they quickly and gratefully appreciate the efforts of gentle woman to soothe their pains and minister to their pains and minister to their comfort. The ladies of all the places above named may be assured that among all the incidents of those suffering soldiers will narrate to loved ones at home, of their experiences for the last twelve months, those connected with their trip through Tennessee, will stir their hearts more deeply, and start the tear of gratitude more quickly, than all the rest. And they may also be assured those soldiers are not going home to retire upon their laurels, and exhibit their battle scars ever after, as the only proof of their devotion to our cause. They know that there is much of valuable blood to avenge; a Zollicoffer and a Sidney Johnston. They feel that the infamous Andy Johnson must meet a merited retribution, and that they are to have a part in the contests which will decide the deliverance of fair Tennessee from abolition rule and pollution. And there is not one of them so craven hearted as to say he will fight no more. Since our arrival in Georgia {lost in the fold of the page} attention has been shown our wounded that their wants required. On reaching your city this morning, kind surgeons dressed their wounds, and ever-vigilant ladies ministered to their comfort. It was grievous to many to find that we missed the connection on the railroad, but they will be strengthened by the day's quiet and comfort, for the balance of their journey. There was only one point at which missing the connection was altogether unnecessary -- that was at Bristol, Tennessee. Some one told us the cars from Lynchburg had not made connection at Bristol for several days. An extra train was, however, prepared for the wounded, and the delay was but short. On asking the conductor, I was informed he had telegraphed to Jonesboro' to provide for our wounded, but arriving there, we found no preparation. A passenger on the train then telegraphed to Greenville, and when the train reached that point the abundance of food distributed by the ladies, caused the poor sufferers almost to forget their disappointment at Jonesboro'.
   There is one suggestion that perhaps ought to be made to the ladies on the railroads. The wounded may continue to come for several days, and it would be better for them that they should not be so freely supplied with the fruits and berries of our Southern country, as they are, in numbers of cases, made sick by them. 
   And now, a soldier's wish for the ladies who have been so kind: may heaven grant that the burdens and sorrows of this unholy war may fall lightly upon their hearts and homes.
S. D. Snodgrass
Chaplain 21st Mississippi Regiment
July 15, 1862
