NA, VC 3/25A/1863

Head Qrs Army NoVa
25th March 1863
H. D. Whitcomb
Genl Supt. Va Central RR
   Your letter of March 23d in reference to the condition of the Central RRd with enclosures has been received. I have written to the Hon Secty of War recommending the transfer of one hundred negroes from the levy called for to work on the fortifications to the work of supplying your Road with wood in accordance with the plan proposed by President Fontaine. I do not see how I can well detail men from the army for the purpose. If the Secty of War will accede to your application the one hundred laborers thus obtained will give you temporary relief. But unless the people laying aside all selfish considerations will come forward and help us in every possible way, no one can foresee the disastrous consequences which may ensure.
I am Very Respectfully
Your obdt servt
R E Lee Genl
