NA, VC 10/29/1861

Office Va. Central Railroad Co.
October 29th 1861
Maj. W. S. Ashe
Q. M. C. S. A.
   I desire that the rate of compensation for the special train for the sick should be fixed before we commence the service.
   This transportation could have been done with our regular trains at an inconsiderable increase in our expenses, and I doubt not the willingness of the Government to compensate us fully and fairly.
   The ambulance cars which were ordered by the Q. M. Gen. now belong to this company. They are to be used for the most part on the Orange & Alexandria R. R. as more of the sick are taken to the hospitals on that road than to Richmond and Charlottesville, which are the only hospitals on this Road to be supplied b y this train. I think it right then that the Government should own the cats, and should purchase them at a fair valuation.
   The ordinary passenger cars on this road seat fifty persons, this at two cents per mile would be at Government rates one dollar per mile run for each car. As the Government have the right, and ordinarily the means of filling each seat, the above price will be no more than fair for the use of the train.
   As the Government will own the ambulance cars it may be objected that the company should not receive the full rates on those cars. But it must be remembered that we shall have the repairs, the cleaning, washing &c. to do, and this extra work added to our increase expenses for running this train will more than pay for the interest on the cost and depreciation of these carts.
   My proposition therefore is to run this train for one dollar per car per mile -- to keep the cars in repair except against accident on other roads, to do the necessary cleaning & washing, and to carry free the Officer in charge & the Surgeon & nurses detailed to attend upon the sick. In addition the Government is to purchase the cars at a fair valuation.
Very Respectfully
H. D. Whitcomb
Genl. Sup't
   The cost of each car will depend upon the judgment of an umpire. A new car would cost about $2200. The {These?} are old and have seen a great deal of service. I suppose from $1200 to $1500 would be a fair valuation.
   The no. of miles is as follows -- Richmond to Gordonsville 76. Gordonsville to Manassas 62. Gordonsville to Charlottesville 21. Manassas to Warrenton 32 (I think).
The price for two cars & a car for baggage for which there is no charge would be, from Manassas to Richmond per trip $552
From Manassas to Charlottesville one car and back per trip 166
" " " Warrenton " " 66
Or per week two trips to Richmond 2 cars $1104
Per week one trip " Charlottesville 1 car 166


" Warrenton " 64
Total Cost per Week $1328
   I have no authority to act for the O. & A. R. R. {Orange & Alexandria RR} Co. in this matter. I believe however they have been allowed these rates or the capacity of a further car at two cents per passenger per mile ??d, and would probably assent to this agreement. I will only add that I should much prefer not to run the train, even at the above rates.
H. D. W.
