NA, R&D 5/23A/1864

Richmond May 23d 1863
R&D RR Office
Hon Jas A Seddon
Sec of War
   On the 20th of this month in the afternoon & in??ment to the frt cars between the men under Col Millen which resulted in ??ing a regm at the Danville Depot, a squadron of 200 soldiers from South Carolina camped in the Depot lot against the remonstrances of our officer in charge of the Depot & ??? ??? them up to this time sleeping in one of our sheds and on the platform & cooking upon the lot & have been surrounding our Depot, interfering there with the discharge of the necessary business of the RRd. I send report of the Agent enclosed and ask relief at the hands of the Military authorities, & that hereafter orders be given that soldiers be prohibited from remaining on our Depot lot after they cease to have business at it.
Lewis E Harvie President
{on the back of the document}
A. G.
Order the Commanding officer to make investigation & report of the facts. -- ??? or not the depots & yards should not be occupied or interfered with by troops.
May 23 64
Resp'y referred thro Genl Lee, to Capt. Hewitt for report required by the Sec. of War.
By order A&I General
H. L. Clay
A. A. Genl.
May 27/64
Respectfully returned -- Capt. Hewitt is now a Prisoner in the hands of the enemy
A. E. ??? Lt Comdg Co F. 4th S. C. Cavy
Hd Qurs 4th SCC
Butling Brigade
July 16th 1864
Respectfully forwarded
B. H. Rutledge
Col 4th SCC
Brig Hd Qrs
July 17th 1864
Apprd & Respy Forwd
M. C. Butlen
Brig. Genl
Hd Qrs Hamptons Cav Div
July 18, 1864
Appd & respectfully forwd
Wade Hampton
Head Qrs ANV
19 July 1864
Res??td to Major Genl Hampton. Is there no officer present with the command who can make the report called for by the Hon Secy of War
By order of Gen Lee
W Hampton
Hd Qrs 4th S. C. Cav
July 25th 1864
Respectfully returned, there is no officer who can make the desired report. Capt Hewitt was in command of a Detachment and is now in the hands of the enemy.
B H Rutledge
Col. Comdg 4th S. C. C.
Hd Qrs Butlers Cav Brig
July 25th 1864
Respectfully reforwarded approved.
M. C. Butler
Brig. Genl. Comdg.
Hd Qrs Hamptons Cav Div
July 26, 1864
Approved & respectfully forwarded. Attention called to Col Rutledge's remarks.
In absence of Genl Hampton
Theodore G. Barker
Maj & AAG
Hd Qrs ANV
28 July 1864
Res forwarded For Genl R E Lee
W ???
