NA, RR 6/10A/1862

Savannah 10th June 1862
R. R. Cuyler Esq.
President C. RRd Co.
   I certify that the following is a correct Estimate for the work done on ??ion track through Liberty St. betw. Cent. RRd & Sav. A. & G. RRd Depots.
to Sav. Alb. & Gulf RRd Co. as per bill rendered
for work on grading & laying track, on road ??? $800 00
1804 cross ties furnished at 35cts 631 40
78 1/2 tons Rl Rd iron furn. at $80.00 per ton 6280 00
Spikes 20 chairs 702 00
4 kegs cut spikes & nails 100 00
22376 ft bm lumber for crossings 335 64
$8849 04
to Central Rl Rd Co.
for Carpenters work as per Mr. Mollers' bill $27 50
for work on grading & preparing ??? of track 278 40
A. A. Schwaab f surveying & superintending 200 00
505 90
Total Cost 9354 94
Aug. Schwaab
Above amount to be distributed as follows:
Amt charged by Sav. A. & G. RRd $8849.04
To be paid by Sav. A. & G. RR  $9350.94 4677.47
Confederate States Government
   to Sav. Alb & G RRd 4171.57
   To Cent. RRd Co 505.90
Total to be paid by Conf. S. Government 4677.47
