NA, QM 8/13/1863

Quartermaster General's Department
Richmond, August 13, 1863
Mr. S. L. Fremont
Supt. Wil. & Wel. RR  {Superintendent, Wilmington & Weldon RR}
Wilmington, N. C.
   I have received your letter of the 4th instant, enclosing two accounts in favor of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road -- one for sixty dollars, for services of three passenger cars impressed by Captain Troutman, Assistant Quarter Master, and sent from Weldon to Blackwater; the other for Four hundred and thirty eight 60/100 dollars for train of seventeen cars impressed and sent from Weldon to Richmond in July, 1863.
   These accounts have been examined. That, first named, for $60 is sustained by the letter of Captain Troutman, attached thereto, and is correct.
   The other, for $438.60 is also correct, as regards rates and distances, but requires to be supported by the certificate referred to in Captain Troutman's letter.
   The accounts are herewith returned to you, and will be paid by the auditing officer, when the certificate referred to is attached to the last named.
A. R. Lawton, Q. M. Genl
