NA, ML 11/20/1863

Macon, Ga., Nov. 20th 1863
Hon. James A. Sedon
Secretary of War
Richmond Va.
   The President of the Macon & Brunswick R. R. Co, whose road terminates in this city, informs me that Major Minor Meriwether, Commissioner for collecting and distributing iron, proposes taking up the track of the M. & B. road removing the iron to other roads. The President of the Co. desires from me and I believe from other officers stationed here whose duties have led them to need transportation over this road, a statement of its value to the Government, and of the reasons which would render it undesirable to remove the track if this can be avoided.
   In accordance with their request I beg leave respectfully to state that I have drawn and still continue to draw large supplies of lumber and fuel from the country passed through by this road, a country presenting a greater amount of untouched fine timber than any other that I know of within convenient distance from our great centers of industry in the Gulf States. Large supplies of lumber have I believe been carried over this road for other important government purposes. It might be rendered still more valuable to Govt by adding some cars to its rolling stock, the limited amount of which has been the principal difficulty in the way of more extended operations.
   The removal of the iron from this railroad, and consequent cutting off of communication with the country through which it runs would decidedly embarrasses the operations of Government works and those of Government contractors in this region.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very respectfully &c.
J. W. Mallet, Maj.
Handed to President M. & Brunswick Railroad Co.
