NA, MA 11/30A/1864

Savannah Arsenal

Nov. 30, 1864
Col. J. W. Mallett
Supt. Laby.
   Your agent Mr Davis informs me that he will leave Savannah today for Macon via Albany and that you wish some of your stores sent to Thomasville. I have accordingly directed that the shellac, quicksilver, nails, machinery &c mentioned in your memorandum be sent to that place. Mr Fay remains here to ship them.
   I am instructed by Genl Gorgas Chf Ord to send all of the most valuable stores from Macon to Columbia S. C. and I have been endeavoring to carry out his orders, but up to this moment I have been unable to procure any transportation over the Charleston {& Savannah} R. R. and there are no trains running out today. Should communication in that direction be cut off, I propose with the assent of the Genl Commanding to send the stores out on the {Savannah, Albany &} Gulf R. R. to Thomasville.
   I have to request that you will communicate the facts to Cols Cuyler & Burton and say to them that I shall endeavor to keep their stores separate and to send them to a place of safety should this place be considered unsafe.
I am Col Respectfully
W. ? Taylor
Maj. Comdg
