NA, ENG 6/24L/1864

   Endorsement on bill presented by Chas Ellis, Presdt R&P RR {Richmond & Petersburg RR} to Q. M. Dept & by it referred to this Bureau in favor of Maj. E. B. Branch Q. M. for expenses incurred in repairing injury to the Road by the enemy.  Dated 22 June 64 -- referred 24 June 64
   Eng Bureau  24 June 64  Resp'y returned to Q. M. Genl. The Hon Sec'y of War, without expressing a definite opinion as to the ultimate question of payment, has directed me in the case of the Va Central R. R. not to present such claims at this time, but to keep the accounts. The R&P RR is certainly as strong a case, & I do not think they should be made to pay for the successive reconstructions.
A. L. Rives
Col. &c
