NA, ENG 5/21/1863

Engineer Bureau
May 21st 1863
Major J. M. St. John
Chf of Nitre & Mining Bureau
Richmond, Va.
   In a recent communication received from Mr. Hugh Rice Supt. & Chief Engineer Manassas Gap Rail Road, he offers to sell to the Government ninety wagon loads of scrap iron & various portions of rail road machinery &c such a locomotive wheel tires &c. The Engineer Bureau is anxious to secure this property and will pay for it if saved. Your co-operation with the teams engaged in  hauling gun metal is earnestly requested. Your agent if placed upon the duty of saving the foregoing articles should place himself in communication with Mr. Rice if upon the spot.
Very Respectfully Yours
J. F. Gilmer
Col. of Engrs. & Chf or Bureau
