NA, ENG 3/2/1863

Engineer Bureau
Richmond, March 2d, 1863
Hon. James A. Seddon
Secy of War
   A letter has been rec'd from Lewis E. Harris, Esq, Presdt of the Piedmont RRd Co asking that steps be taken to prevent the enrolling officer from removing white employees engaged on the Piedmont R. Rd in the State of N. C.
   Col. Gilmer desires me to respectfully request that you will direct the Chief of the Bureau of Conscription to detail for work on the above road, all such employees as shall present certificates from Capt. E. T. D. Myers Eng Corp P. A. C. S. to the effect that they are actually engaged in the work.
Very resp yrs
A. L. Rivers
Major & Asst to Chf Engr
