NA, ENG 3/12/1864

Engineer Bureau
March 12th 1864
Dr. W. A. Smith
Prest. Roanoke Valley R. R. Co.
   Some time since you called at this office to collect the amount due the Roanoke Valley Railroad Co. for rail road iron, material &c furnished for use of the Confederate States, but left the City before the money was placed to my credit at the Treasury. Not having heard from you on the subject since, I have to inform you now that the amt. will be promptly paid to you, or to any one only authorized by you to receive and receipt for your. If you give any one a power of attorney to collect for you it should be in duplicate & have two witnesses. A certificate that you are Presdt of the Co. and authorized to receive money &c should accompany.
Yours, Very Respy
A. L. Rives
Lt Col &c &c
