NA, ENG 1/7/1863

Engineer Bureau
January 7th, '63
Capt. E. T. D. Myers
Chief Engr. Piedmont R. Rd.
Danville, Va.
   Your letters of the 3d & 5th inst. have been received. You are authorized to make such arrangements with the proprietors of the impressed negroes now at work under your direction, as will make you to apply their labor some distance into North Carolina. 
   Your application for six old artillery saddles has been referred to the Chief of Ordnance, who has verbally informed me that he will give direction to have them sent to you. A receipt will be required of you on their delivery.
Very Respectfully Yours
J. F. Gilmer
Colonel of Engr. & Chf. of Bureau
Copy of above sent to Capt. L. P. Grant
