NA, DT 8/11/1864

Head Quarters Dist. Texas &c
Houston Texas August 11th 1864
Special Order 224
15. Maj. H. Pendleton Q. M. will furnish transportation to Lt Staggord Comdg Manards unattd Compy Actg as Couriers, for fifteen men, 15 horses, 6 mules & two wagons by R. R to Beaumont {Texas & New Orleans RR}, if it can be done without detriment to the Service.
16. Pvt Wheeler Co                    after completing the Bridge over Buffalo Bayou or whenever he can be spared from the work, will immediately report to Dr. Whitfield President of the Columbus Tap R. R. to construct a bridge over the Colorado River at Columbus
27. The following named men are relieved from extra duty, and will report for duty to their commands without the least delay:
Pvt R. F. Ash           Menards Co     with NO R. R.
   "  P. Conner                  "                       T & N. O. R. R.  {Texas & New Orleans RR}
   "  J. Derrichs                "                        G. H. & H. R. R. {Galveston, Houston & Henderson RR}
   "  E. F. Grant                "                        G. H. & H. R. R.
