NA, DSCGF 9/17A/1863

Head Qrs Department of SC, Ga & Fla
Charleston S. C. Sept 17th 1863
D. B. Harris
Lt Col & Chf Engr
   The great accession to the negro force within a few days past, and leads the Commanding General to hope that the works under construction will now be pushed forward rapidly to completion. To this end some more perfect organization of this labor appear to be essential, and desires your special, immediate attention. The services of some person of known business ability and standing, such as Mr Singletary, President of the Charleston & Savannah R. Road should be secured if possible, to whom, under your own orders, the receiving, distribution, general supervision when at work, subsistence and discharge of the negroes should be directly entrusted, relieving Major Echols of all connection therewith, save and except the payment on properly certified rolls, for labor done. No time should be lost. If Mr Singletary cannot be induced to undertake this service, some one else must be.
   The force of negroes must for the present be kept up to 3,500 effectives, if possible, if they can be efficiently worked and whenever falling below that the fact must be immediately reported to this Head Quarters.
Your Obdt Servt
Chief of Staff
