NA, DAMEL 3/X/1865

Hd Qrs Dept Ala, Miss & E La
Montgomery March    1865  {date is blank in record book}
Special Field Order No      {no number in record book}
   Maj. J. M. Hottel Qr Mr in charge of R. R. transportation Montgomery, Ala is directed to assume control of Montgomery & West Point RR, so far as may be found necessary to secure for government transportation the maximum daily number of cars that the present necessities of the service require at this time & the resources of said R. R. will afford. He is authorized to remove any officer of employee of said R. R. found inefficient or indisposed to lend full and prompt assistance in attaining the object of this order. Persons so removed will be sent to the Army under existing laws. Officers commanding troops or Posts in Dept Ala Miss & ELa are directed to furnish any armed force Maj Hottel may require to enforce this order.
{Signature not noted in record book}
