MISC, WC&R 2/27/1864

State of North Carolina
Executive Department
Raleigh, Feb. 27, 1864
Hon. Jas. A. Seddon
Secretary of War
Dear Sir,
   Col. C. F. M. Garnett Commissioner of Rail Roads, has served a notice of impressment on Col. R. H. Cowan, President of the W. C. and R. Rail Road {Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford RR}, in this State, for the purpose of seizing ten miles of the iron to be applied to the repairing of the W. and Manchester road {Wilmington & Manchester RR}. By reference to certain certificates and letters placed in Col. Garnett's hands, you will see that great objections exist to this course by reason of the vital importance of this road to Wilmington and its defence. I beg to add my own testimony in corroboration of all this said.
   Should these representations prove unavailing to prevent the destruction of this road, I have to inform you that every pound of the iron, and in fact the entire road, is mortgaged to the State of North Carolina for money due it, and I cannot consent to the destruction of the road and the States' security at once, until I am satisfied the necessity is more imperative than it now appears to be.
   I beg to call your attention to a copy of a letter enclosed from Col. Cowan on this subject.
Very respectfully,
Your ob't servant
Z. B. Vance
