LVA, TRED 11/12/1861

Richmond Nov. 12, 1861

George Yonge Esq
Supt Geo Rail Rd   {Superintendent, Georgia RR}
Augusta Geo.
Dear Sir,
   The Iron referred to in your letter as passing thru Augusta Oct 21, 24, 25 amtg to 152 Tons {about 19 car loads} consigned to J. H. Jamison Richmond, belonged to our concern & was directed to be consigned to Mr. Jamison not Lynchburg to be forwarded there by Waker to our works, in which case it would be delivered to our yard. The unauthorized change will add an additional charge of from $7 to $10 per ton, which must be refunded by the Agents of the Rail Road on that other line. Will you be so good as to inform us what charges had accrued on the metal when it reached your road and what was the charge made by your, and if you can inform us at what points & what amount at each point were charged you will oblige us.
Very respectfully
J. R. Anderson & Co.
