AR, SA&G 5/1/1862 S

Annual Report of the Savannah, Albany & Gulf RR
as of May 1, 1862,
Superintendent's Report
Superintendent's Report
Savannah, Albany & Gulf R. R. Co.
Savannah, May 1st, 1862
Hiram Roberts, Esq.
Acting President
      I herewith submit my Report, relative to the condition and earnings of the Road, for the year ending April 30th, 1862.
Earnings for the Year
For Freight by Freight Train West $31,250.11
  "          "     "  Passenger  "      " 12,778.01
  "          "      " Express     "      " 1,536.43
Total for Freight $45,561.55
For Passage 80,511.05
   "  Freight and Passage $126,075.60
For Freight by Freight Train East $25,580.06
   "       "       "  Passenger  "     " 6,033.06
   "       "       "  Express     "      " 1,336.32
Total for Freight $32,949.44
For Passage 80,202.08
For Freight and Passage $113,151.52
Total Freight East and West $78,513.99
    "    Passage  "      "      " 160,713.13
    "  Freight and Passage East and West $239,227.12
   The earnings for the Fiscal Year have b4een $239,227.12 for Freight and Passage, and $8,641.76 for transportation of Mails, giving a Total Earnings of $247,868.88, against $234,115.58 for the year  
   The expenses of operating the Road have been as follows:
Transportation Expenses – Including the wages of salaried officers, and clerks at Savannah Depot, Agents at Way Stations and in Thomasville, Conductors, Train Hands, laborers at Savannah Depot and Way Stations $29,892.14
Incidental Expenses – Including Advertising, Postage, Doctors Bills, Medicines, and all other contingent expenses, not mentioned under either of the other heads 5,489.63
Repairs of Road – Including wages of Supervisor, Overseers, Negroes, cost of Provisions, Clothing, Ties, Tools, Repair Cars, Shantys, &c. 60,303.77
Repairs of Bridges – Including wages of Supervisor, Bridge Builders, Negroes, cost of Provisions, Clothing, Tools, Repair Cars, Shantys, Spikes, Lumber, and all other material required on repairs of Bridges 23,456.42
Improvements Savannah Depot – Including grading in Depot Yard, repairs on Engine House, extending Warehouse, erecting Sheds, &c. 1,879.44
Maintenance of Cars – Including wages of Master Carpenter, employees in Carpenter Shop, cost of Oils, Tallow, Waste, Lumber, Castings, and all other material necessary for building and repairing Cars               18,642.41
Maintenance of Motive Power – Including wages of Master Machinist, Blacksmiths, Engineers, Firemen and other employees, cost of Oils, Tallow, Waste, Yarns, Castings, and all other material necessary, Painting and other work performed on Engines 39,866.89
Stock Killed – 4,017.12
Freight Lost or Damaged 1,152.10
Printing and Stationery 2,701.03
Total Expenses $187,400.95
Total Earnings $247,868.88
    "    Expenses 187,400.95
     Nett Earnings $60,457.73
   The expenditures for the Fiscal Year have been $187,400.95. It no doubt would have been much less, but for the scarcity and excessively high prices of Tools, Provisions and other materials necessary for the successful operation of the Road, many of which it has been very difficult to procure. It has also been deemed advisable to lay in a sufficient supply of some of the most important articles, such as Oils, Tallow, Waste, Iron, Provisions, Clothing, &c., a sufficient quantity of which has been secured, and is now on hand, to answer all necessary purposes for several months, all of which has been instrumental in increasing the expenditures, a portion of which, however, should be credited to next year’s account.
   During the past year 42,718 passengers have passed over the Road, (not including the large number of military associations that have been transported,) against 25,179 for the year previous, being an increase of 17,539.
   The Receipts for Passage for the year ending 30th April, 1862, have been $160,713.13, against $78,268.34, being an increase of $82,444.79, or 105 per cent. The large increase in the receipts for Passage is attributed to the number of Troops that have passed to and fro over the Road.
   The receipts for Freight have been $78,513.99, against $146,993.38 for the previous year, showing a decrease of $68,479.39, or about 40 per cent.
   By comparing Tables Nos. 5 & 6 of my last Report with Tables Nos. 3 & 4 of the present, it will be seen that there has been a regular though continuous falling off in the freighting business, increasing gradually as the business season advanced, showing the falling off to be proportionately much larger for the months of November, December and January, 1861 and 1862, than they were for any previous months.
   It is scarcely necessary for me to refer to the causes that have produced this effect upon the Freighting business. Suffice it to say, that two of the most important articles of Freight, viz: Cotton and Lumber, have been, in a measure, entirely discontinued, as will be seen by reference to Table No. 5 of my last Report, and comparing it with Table No. 5, of this year. During the last year 30,212 Bales of Cotton and 9,842,209 feet of Lumber were transported over the Road, against 1,768 Bales of Cotton and 1,163,806 feet of Lumber, a falling off of 28,844 Bales of Cotton and 8,648.403 feet Lumber.  {The Bales of Cotton do not add up.}
   It is not to be expected that the business will be renewed or fairly opened, so long as our Ports remain closed. However, the large amount of material that is stored through the country, must eventually pass over the Road. It therefore behooves us to be prepared, as far as practicable, to perform the work which will be offered, in the event of our Ports being opened. In view of which a slow schedule has been adopted, in order to favor the rolling stock as much as possible.
   The Rolling Stock consists of eleven Engines and two hundred and one Cars. For further particulars relative to the condition, and services performed by the Engines and Cars, you are respectfully referred to Tables Nos. 9 and 10, by which it will be seen that the work performed by the Rolling Stock has been unusually severe. One Engine has been disabled the greater portion of the year, another has been engaged on the Gravel Train, filling in the Trestle over the Rice fields of the Great Ogeechee, a third, the Tattnall, an old Engine, has rendered little or no service, throwing the entire burden of the business upon eight Engines, which have been compelled to perform not only the legitimate business of this Road, but have frequently, for the purposes of expediting military stores and troops, been compelled to double the Road, and in many instances were required to extend their operations over the line of the Brunswick & Florida Rail Road.
   In my last report I recommended and urged the necessity of increasing the Rolling Stock. The unfortunate condition of the country, however, has rendered it impossible. I will again urge the necessity of procuring additional Engines and Cars as soon as possible, as those now on hand are not only much in need of repairs, but are actually insufficient to perform successfully and promptly, the large business which must be offered so soon as the Ports are opened. The want of machinery to perform the necessary work is much needed, and would, no doubt, have been in successful operation ere this, but for the disorganized and unsettled condition of the country.
   The Round House, Machine, Blacksmith and Carpenter Shops, were sufficiently completed at mu last report to receive the Machinery, all of which had been ordered and was ready for shipment when the Ports were closed. A few pieces however, two Lathes and two Smiths Forges, had been previously received. The two Forges have been placed in position, and are in successful operation. The Lathes have been turned over to the Confederate authorities, to be used at their Armory in Augusta.
   The Road bed is in very fair condition. Portions of it require ballasting, which is designed being done as soon as the rolling stock can be spared and the necessary arrangements made.
   Some few bars of iron on the first fifty miles of road are considerably worn and much laminated – the remainder shows but little signs of wear. During the past year 48,045 cross ties, at a cost of $10,479.90, have been place in the road between Savannah and Blackshear, No. 8, but few being used west of that point, showing an increase of 4,754 over that of the previous year – a much larger number will probably be required the ensuing year. 560,206 feet of lumber, at a cost of $7,052.02, has been consumed in repairs of bridges. For a more minute detail, relative to the repairs of bridges, you are referred to tables no 7 and 8.
   In my last report I recommended filling in some of the Trestle Bridges. It is a source of pleasure to be enabled to say that the filling of the Great and Little Ogeechee Trestles have been completed.
   The Trestle Bridges are in far better condition than they were at my last report. The contracts for extending the Lattice over the Altamaha River, and rebuilding the main Bridges over the Great and Little Ogechee Rivers, has been let out to Mr. Samuel Papot. It will require twelve months or more to complete the work, and when finished will contain some 360,000 feet of Lumber.
Gasper J. Fulton
